Summer Camp- Week 3
Good Afternoon all,
Apologies for the slight lateness of this post- its been a very busy time on camp indeed! Just a heads up/update regarding this week on camp.
This week is ANIMAL KINGDOM Week- each day will be dedicated to a group of animals that we can celebrate.
Monday is African Wildlife Day- Campers will be making animal kingdom masks, Creating mini beasts' houses and finishing with a campfire and marshmallows.
Tuesday is Reptile Day- Campers will be creating a paper plate snake, engaging in some fort wars and mastering benchball.
Wednesday is Sea Life Day- Campers will create their own fishtank out of a shoebox and in the afternoon there will be a water fight and Slip and Slide.
Thursday is Flying Creatures Day- Campers will play with the giant parachute an be challenged with the classic STEM challenge of making an egg parachute.
Friday is Mythical Beasts Day- Campers will create their own mythical beast, get wet on the slip and slide and finish the day with some orienteering!
Currently the predicted weather for Weds, Thurs and Fri is for high heat up to 29 degrees. Despite this not being as hot as the previous heatwave, we must endeavor to do everything we can to safeguard the campers from excessive heat. This may result in spontaneous changes to the schedule depending on the heat and condition of campers. Please ensure that campers are dressed suitably for the heat and have spare clothes for wet activities. Please ensure that campers have water bottles and we recommend an ice pack for lunchboxes to keep food cool. We will have juice based ice lollies/creams on site to give to students as relief where needed.
If you have any questions regarding this, please ask.
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