Summer Camp- Day 4
Hi everyone!
GO'in Green Thursday has been a huge success!
This morning campers started the day with some colour olympics, earning points for our colour war challenge that's been ongoing all week! Reds are slightly in the lead but blues could claw it back tomorrow!
We then designed and decorated our plant pots ready for the planting later on in the day. Some using felt tips whilst others got a little more sticky with some tissue paper on their pots!
Campers then undertook their camper's choice hour- noticing some very good hula hooping on camp!
After lunch we got competitive again with some frisbee and bench-ball action, some very red faces after these.
We then turned back to our daily theme and planted our geraniums. Gently planting our seeds into the decorated plant pots, ready to start seeing some sprouting (hopefully) in a couple of weeks time.
After the final snack time, the bikes and scooters were out, using the playground as our staging ground, campers whizzed around, truly tiring them out for today!
A lovely day overall- we are looking forward to our final celebration day tomorrow including a UV party.
Thankyou all- Daniel
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