Beech Hall Information - United Adventure!
Hi campers! We hope you are enjoying the Summer adventures as much as we are!
Our site team is absolutely amazing and we are so excited to have them running activities with us. Our Site Manager and Assistant, Charlotte and Ellie are doing a brilliant job of looking after the staff and will be happy to help you with any queries you might have.
Here is a reminder of the information of Beech Hall, in case you have missed it.
Registration is in the main entrance of the school and should be well sign posted from the car park.
There is a swimming pool onsite that we have access to every day so please bring a swimming costume and towel. We have arm bands available but if your child would like to bring their own, they are more than welcome to.
Any issues at all, you can contact our Head Office team on 0113 4830280 and they will be able to assist you. You can also contact the site team using the number that will be on the signs at registration.
Please provide your child with a packed lunch and a water bottle that can be refilled throughout the day. Please note we are a nut-free site so please ensure any food items do not contain nuts.
Tuck Shop:
There will be a mini tuck shop on site with a range of crisps, drinks and cereal bars available. Items are 50p each. If you wish your child to purchase anything, send them in with some money, £2 maximum.
Please ensure your child is dressed in comfortable clothing suitable for sporting activities. Any specific clothing requirements will be posted here on the community page the day before at the latest so please ensure to keep up to date with posts.
This also applies for any additional items your child may need, for example sun cream, fancy dress items, show and tell etc.
Please ensure all belongings have name tags on to prevent any lost property.
We will let you know of any information relating to the Beech Hall site using this forum, so please keep checking back to see if there is anything you will need to know.
The United Adventure team at Beech Hall :D
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