Week 3 - Colour wars
Hi Everyone,
I hope you are all having a lovely weekend.
The theme for the coming week is colour wars (our version of the Olympics). This week we will be dividing groups into three teams - Blue team, Red team and White team. All through the week there will be opportunities across all activities for our campers to pick up points for their team. Our scoreboard will be on display in reception if you would like to see how the teams are getting on through the week.
We will have swimming on Monday (Juniors only), Tuesday (Wilds and seniors only) and everyone on Wednesday and Thursday. If you are ever in doubt please just pop swimming kit into their bags. If you have anything you would like to discuss regarding swimming please don't hesitate to get in touch.
On Wednesday we will be having a fancy dress day, the theme will be to dress in the colour of your team.
We will also be having the tuck shop every day this week, £1 will be sufficient for this.
This week we have our Star program and Survival program starting on camp in addition to our adventure camp. If you would like to find out more information about these camps please feel free to ask me any questions when you are on camp, or take a look on our website.
If you wish to drop your child off late (after 9am) I will leave a phone number to ring on the front desk if there isn't anyone around please give me a ring and I will be there as soon as I can. Similarly if you wish to collect your child early please let us know in the morning so we can have them ready to go for you when you arrive.
If there is anything else I can help with please let me know.
I look forward to having you all on camp this week.
Tom Handy.
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